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Li Ka-shing's layout of the new energy vehicle market: GAC/Geely/BMW's continuous actions

Release Date:2017-10-26 Page View:707

On September 8, it was reported that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the review of subsidies for the promotion of new energy vehicles. Many places in Guangdong have vigorously promoted new energy vehicles. Enterprises laid out by Li Ka-shing will build cars. GAC, Geely and BMW have been making continuous efforts to lay out new energy vehicle markets.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the review of new energy vehicle promotion subsidies in 2016

On September 7th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the "Announcement on the Preliminary Review of the 2016 New Energy Vehicle Promotion and Application Subsidy Fund (Supplementary Application)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Announcement"). According to the public announcement, 28 models from 8 car companies have applied for additional national subsidies for new energy vehicles in 2016. Among them, the enterprise's application for liquidation funds is 3208035312 million yuan, the subsidy funds to be liquidated are 3142.633 million yuan, and 65.402312 million yuan has not been approved by the expert group. In terms of the number of vehicles promoted, the company reported a total of 71446 vehicles, with a total of 71199 vehicles approved by the vehicle expert group and 247 vehicles not approved by the expert group. The main reasons for this are inconsistent batteries and doubts about the rationality of driving mileage.

Guangdong will vigorously promote the development of new energy buses

In order to speed up the application of energy projects focusing on pure electric buses and Hydrogen fuel cell buses in the public transport system, Guangdong has formulated policies to realize the large-scale operation of pure electric buses in the province by 2020, make the Pearl River Delta a national demonstration area, and cultivate three to four new energy bus backbone enterprises.

According to the previously released "13th Five Year Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Guangdong Province", by 2020, the proportion of new energy buses in Guangdong Province will exceed 75% of all buses, with pure electric buses accounting for over 65%. This basically achieves the large-scale and commercial operation of pure electric buses.

At present, the technological and consumer revolution led by new energy is a practice of China's "green economy", following the trend of energy and giving China's automobile and new energy industries the power to transform. As a leading player in the promotion of new energy vehicles in Guangdong, local stocks are expected to enjoy a feast.

At the end of the year, all 16000 buses in Shenzhen were electrified

Wang Weizhong, Secretary of the CPC Shenzhen International Holdings Municipal Committee, said at the Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum on September 7 that Shenzhen is making full efforts to promote the promotion and application of new energy vehicles by formulating a new round of new energy vehicle promotion and application support policies and implementation plans. At present, Shenzhen has promoted and applied 76000 new energy vehicles in total, and will achieve the goal of electrification of 16000 buses in the city by the end of this year, ranking first in Global city.

It is reported that the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in Shenzhen first revolves around "electrification of public transportation". Since 2012, when it was explicitly updated and added that all public buses are pure electric vehicles, the number of pure electric public buses promoted in 2015 and 2016 was 3616 and 9638 respectively. Currently, Shenzhen Bus Group has become the world's first bus enterprise to achieve pure electrification. In terms of taxis, our city has formulated a reward policy for taxis to update Battery electric vehicle in advance. At present, the number of taxis that have been updated to pure electric vehicles accounts for 35% of the city's total. The person in charge of the forum stated, "By the end of this year, the pure electrification of Shenzhen buses will reach 100%

Leading the New Energy Vehicle Industry in the South China Sea, Multiple Enterprises Settle in

With FAW Volkswagen, Foton Motor, and Guangdong Fody as the representatives of three complete vehicle manufacturers, supplemented by various parts and auto parts industry clusters, the automobile industry base of South China Sea has an absolute voice in Foshan. On this basis, the South China Sea will upgrade to the entire industry chain of new energy vehicles.

On September 7, the Ministry of Science and Technology/United Nations Development Programme "Promoting the Commercial Development of Fuel Cell Vehicles in China" Foshan Project Launching Ceremony and the New Energy Vehicle (Hydrogen) Industry Investment Promotion Conference in Nanhai District of Foshan City were held in Danzao, Nanhai District. From the research and development platform of Hydrogen fuel cell industry to the commercial operation of Hydrogen fuel cell buses; From the cooperative hydrogen production project to the planning and construction of Hydrogen station, and from the production of new energy vehicle parts to the manufacturing of whole vehicles, Nanhai is becoming a sample of Foshan District 5 to build a complete industrial chain of new energy vehicles.

At the promotion meeting, including the signing of five Hydrogen fuel cell industry R&D platforms including the National Engineering Research Center South China Center for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Source Technology, as well as the signing of major projects such as CRRC Sifang Modern Tram and Hydrogen fuel cell tram demonstration line, effectively completed multiple links of the new energy vehicle industry in the South China Sea, The complete industrial chain of new energy vehicles will be formed in the core component industry base of Guangdong new energy vehicles.

Maxus Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Maxus"), Beijing Innocent New Energy Vehicle Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Innocent New Energy") and the Nanhai District government have joined hands to jointly explore and cultivate the application market of Hydrogen fuel battery vehicles, research and develop new energy vehicles, especially the Hydrogen fuel battery vehicle FCV80, and take the lead in market demonstration commercial operation, becoming a demonstration operation project of pure green future energy vehicles. Specifically, the cooperation between the two companies includes the leasing, operation and application of 100 Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the establishment of a Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle delivery center and a maintenance center, the provision of technical support and data collection for operating vehicles, the exploration and establishment of a sustainable operation mode for Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and the joint construction of a good ecological environment for "Hydrogen fuel fuel cell vehicle demonstration operation".

In the link of "hydrogen production", Nanhai District signed a cooperation agreement with Foshan (Yunfu) Industrial Transfer Park. The cooperation content includes the introduction of industrial hydrogen production, hydrogen production equipment, Hydrogen fuel standby power supply, vehicle hydrogen storage equipment, and Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle and core parts in the upstream and downstream of the hydrogen energy industry chain; Promote market expansion and prioritize the procurement of hydrogen energy products and key components developed and produced by the other party's territory; Build an industrial service platform, jointly promote the development of hydrogen energy products, cooperation platforms between industry, academia, research and application, and inspection and testing technology service platforms.

In the future, Sinopec Sales Co., Ltd. Guangdong Petroleum Branch will use the existing gas stations to add hydrogenation and charging functions to provide more stable product oil supply and new energy supply such as hydrogen and vehicle charging.

Guangdong Shanwei's new energy buses account for over 70% of the total

"At present, more than 70% of the buses in Shanwei are new energy vehicles." On the 7th, it was learned from Shanwei Transportation Bureau that Shanwei actively promotes the priority development of urban public transport, strives to take the lead in achieving full coverage of new energy buses in the province, and strives to build a green bus demonstration city.

At present, there are a total of 7 public transportation enterprises and 988 vehicles in Shanwei city (including 700 new energy vehicles, 288 fuel vehicles, and 71% of new energy vehicles). Among them, there are 2 urban public transport enterprises, 712 vehicles, 27 bus lines, 139 bus shelters, 126 stops, 600 new energy buses, 2 bus parks, 145 Charging station, and 265 bus shelters (plates).

For a long time, the development of public transport in Shanwei City has been faced with problems such as insufficient capital investment, aging hardware facilities, and lagging management services. In order to further improve the level of public transport development and solve the problem of lagging public transport development, the main leaders of Shanwei City have made many open and secret visits in the urban area and have taken the bus experience. Subsequently, Shanwei vigorously promoted the reform of highway transportation at the city and county levels with an open concept and market-oriented means. It successively carried out corporate restructuring and asset integration of the city's automobile transportation general company and three county-level automobile transportation companies, Haifeng, Lufeng, and Luhe. It introduced the provincial automobile transportation group affiliated with Guangdong Yueyun Transportation Co., Ltd. as a strategic investor in the construction of the integrated short distance and public transportation network for the entire mayor.

In response to the national policy guidance of vigorously promoting the application of new energy vehicles, Shanwei City vigorously develops a low-carbon and efficient urban public transport system, speeds up the promotion and application of new technologies, new energy and new equipment in the field of public transport, introduces BYD Auto Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. as a strategic partner of new energy vehicles and industrialization development, and builds new energy vehicles as an important target industry.

Shanwei Transport Bureau said that the city has also accelerated the interconnection of "Lingnantong" and other smart cards, and the new buses must be equipped with satellite positioning tachographs and "Lingnantong" card terminals that meet the requirements of relevant standards. At present, Shanwei is launching the service project of "Internet plus bus travel", where citizens can query bus service information through the Internet.

New energy vehicles will soon enter Gansu

On September 7, an interview group of the Media Alliance of the cities along the Baoji Lanzhou High speed Railway came to Caijiapo, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, to visit and interview the development of key tourism and cultural projects, new energy vehicles and other industries, witnessing the accelerated development and industrial transformation and upgrading of Caijiapo in recent years.

At the scene, Zhang Qinguo introduced the latest new energy vehicles to the media group. On October 27 last year, Tongjia's first pure electric vehicle, "Dianniu No. 1", was successfully launched. It does not need a special Charging station, and only needs a household power supply to realize charging, which is quite practical and convenient. After carefully visiting the manufacturing center and final assembly workshop, the reporter found that every step from parts to assembly to the final product is very strict and meets the standards, and the assembly line is meticulously crafted. Subsequently, the reporter also personally experienced the driving experience of a new energy vehicle. After driving for a few minutes, they found that the car accelerated very fast, the workmanship was solid, the materials were thick, and it was quite comfortable, making it particularly suitable for use as a courier transport vehicle.

Anhui launches pilot projects for the issuance of special license plates for new energy vehicles within the year

According to the Anhui Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the province will launch a pilot project for the issuance of special license plates for new energy vehicles in Hefei this year, expand it to the whole province next year, and promote the innovative development of the new energy vehicle industry from ten aspects, including supporting R&D investment, increasing promotion, supporting enterprise development, and increasing Charging station.

According to Wu Jinsong, Deputy Director of the Anhui Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Anhui Provincial Government recently issued the "Notice of the Anhui Provincial People's Government on Issuing Several Policies to Support the Innovative Development and Promotion of the New Energy Vehicle Industry". It is proposed that Hefei will start the pilot work of issuing new energy vehicle special license plates before December 31, 2017, and start the work of issuing new energy vehicle special license plates throughout the province before June 30, 2018. In addition, Anhui Province will also formulate and introduce policies to encourage the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, such as charging and swapping fees, parking space placement, and parking fee reduction. It will establish a road traffic signage system and standards for charging infrastructure to facilitate the passage and use of new energy vehicles.

In terms of encouraging innovation, the "Policy" stipulates that a maximum of 50% subsidy will be given to identified key technology research and development and industrialization projects, with a maximum subsidy amount of 30 million yuan per project; Each new leader in formulating international standards, national standards and industrial standards in the field of new energy vehicles will be given a one-time reward of 2 million yuan, 1 million yuan and 500000 yuan respectively; For enterprises that sell more than 1000 new energy commercial vehicles or 10000 new energy passenger vehicles annually, a one-time reward of 3 million yuan and 5 million yuan will be given respectively.

Enterprises laid out by Li Ka-shing want to build cars in Nanhai

The initial investment is 12 billion yuan! The first manufacturing project introduced by Foshan this year with an investment of over ten billion yuan has landed in Nanhai.

On the morning of September 7, the Ministry of Science and Technology/United Nations Development Programme "Promoting the Commercial Development of Fuel Cell Vehicles in China" Foshan Project Launching Ceremony and New Energy Vehicle (Hydrogen) Industry Investment Promotion Conference in Nanhai District of Foshan City were held in Danzao, Nanhai District. The Yangtze River Hydrogen Power (Foshan) R&D Center and vehicle production project were signed at the event site.

This project is invested and constructed by Hangzhou Changjiang Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Changjiang Automobile") in Danzao, Nanhai, with an initial investment of 12 billion yuan. This includes Changjiang Automobile, the world's only hydrogen powered vehicle research and development center with a total investment of 1 billion yuan; The whole vehicle production project will be constructed in two phases. The production models include pure electric and Hydrogen fuel cell buses, special vehicles, logistics vehicles, passenger cars, etc., with an annual output of 160000 vehicles. The total output value after completion and production will reach 40 billion yuan.

Changjiang Automobile is a large-scale modern manufacturing enterprise dedicated to the core industry chain of research and development, manufacturing, sales, and after-sales maintenance services of new energy electric vehicles. It has built five international advanced production facilities, including stamping, welding, painting, final assembly, and electronic control, in accordance with high standards and specifications, and has become a core vehicle manufacturing factory under the Hong Kong listed company Wulong Electric Vehicle (Group) Co., Ltd.

The major shareholders of Wulong Group include CITIC Group, Li Ka Shing Foundation, China Innovation Foundation, etc., which are extremely rich in capital. Wulong Group has two first-class research and development centers (Simple International Automotive design (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Zhongju Battery Research Institute), two lithium battery production plants (Tianjin Zhongju New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Jilin Zhongju New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.), Two complete vehicle production bases (Changjiang Automobile and Yunnan Wulong Automobile Co., Ltd.).

According to relevant data, Changjiang Motor proposes to build a world-class electric vehicle industry group, adhering to Four Cardinal Principles: it must be a self owned brand; We must take a new and positive development Technology roadmap; Must possess the intellectual property rights of all core components; Industrialization is the only way out and goal.

The pure electric vehicle products being developed and produced by Changjiang Motors have received widespread praise from the industry and buyers in terms of safety, reliability, comfort, and user experience. Especially at the G20 Summit held in Hangzhou in September 2016, Hangzhou Changjiang provided a total of 210 vehicles exclusively for the core area guest reception and conference work of the G20 Summit, and was awarded the dual honors of "G20 Hangzhou Summit Super Sponsor" and "G20 Hangzhou Summit Designated Product" by the G20 Organizing Committee for its outstanding performance.

Changjiang Automobile is also the first non-traditional automobile production enterprise to obtain a national new energy electric vehicle production qualification license, the first (currently the only) and two consecutive times designated by the Boao Forum as a dedicated vehicle for reception, and the first Chinese automobile enterprise to pass nearly rigorous inspection and verification by the US government and smoothly obtain orders for new energy logistics vehicles exported to the US market.

Personnel Changes at GAC: Xiao Yong Transferred to Deputy General Manager of GAC New Energy

On September 6th, it was reported that GAC Passenger Cars would undergo internal senior personnel adjustments, and multiple executives were transferred to GAC New Energy. Among them, Xiao Yong, the current Deputy General Manager of GAC Passenger Cars, will serve as the Deputy General Manager of GAC New Energy Vehicle Company, and Yan Jianming, the General Manager of Guangai Brokerage Company, will fill the vacancy left by Xiao Yong.

Three executives, including Zheng Chunqi, Cao Weibing, and Xi Zhongmin, will also be transferred to GAC New Energy Vehicle Company as deputy general managers; Liang Weibiao, Deputy General Manager of GAC Passenger Cars, will also serve as General Manager of Yichang Branch.

In terms of GAC Mitsubishi, it is rumored that Du Zhijian, the current deputy general manager of GAC Mitsubishi, will be appointed as the general manager of Guangai Brokerage Company. Xiang Yi, the current Executive Vice General Manager and Marketing Minister of GAC Trumpchi Automobile Sales Co., Ltd., will fill the vacancy after Du's departure and serve as the Deputy General Manager of GAC Mitsubishi.

However, regarding a series of personnel changes, GAC officials have stated that there has been no official announcement yet.

The sales volume of Geely Auto Automobile increased by 80% year on year in August

Geely Auto announced that its total sales volume in August was 96500 units, up 80% year on year and 5.9% month on month. The company's sales volume in the first eight months was 718000 units (up 88% year on year), accounting for about 65% of this year's target.

Geely's sales growth rate outperformed that of joint venture car manufacturers, with a year-on-year growth rate of 80%, and it is estimated that it can maintain a strong upward trend. Geely also plans to launch the Lingke 01, 02, and 03 models, Geely X3, MPV (Multi Utility Vehicle), and NEV (New Energy Vehicle) models in the second half of 2017 and 2018.

The Murata New Energy Lithium Battery New Factory Project has officially settled in Jiangsu

On September 5th, the Murata New Energy Lithium Battery New Factory project officially settled in Wuxi High tech Zone, Jiangsu. It is understood that the additional investment for the project exceeds 500 million US dollars. After the project is completed and put into operation, it will add 132 million new lithium-ion batteries annually, expanding the battery production capacity and output value of Murata Wuxi Company by 1.6 times on the existing basis. It is understood that Mayor Wang Quan attended the project cooperation signing ceremony.

Murata Manufacturing was established in 1944, focusing on the manufacturing of electronic components. In 1994, it set up Wuxi Murata Electronics Co., Ltd. in Wuxi. Although Murata has made significant achievements in the field of electronic components, he remained unknown in the field of lithium batteries. It was not until October 31 of last year that Murata planned to acquire Sony's battery business for 17.5 billion yen that Murata officially entered the battery industry.

Sony announced that it had signed a binding final agreement with Murata Manufacturing to transfer the battery business of Sony Group to Murata Group at a price of 17.5 billion yen. Among them, assets and personnel, including Sony's battery related manufacturing sites and battery business sales and research and development centers, will be transferred to Murata Group. Until September 1st of this year, Murata announced the formal completion of the transfer.

Wang Quan stated that Wuxi will continue to provide high-quality services and hopes that both parties can work together to promote the early commencement and production of the project, achieving the expected results. Murata Group stated that it will integrate various high-quality resources, fully develop its lithium battery business, and further expand the supply of lithium battery products.

BMW's Future New Energy Vehicle Strategy Will Promote 25 Electric Models

Recently, Mr. Kluger, Chairman of BMW Group, delivered a vision speech on the upcoming Frankfurt Auto Show and released BMW Group's strategic plan for the future of new energy vehicles.

As of now, BMW has launched a total of 10 electric products worldwide, including 9 electric vehicles and 1 electric scooter. By 2025, BMW Group will launch 25 electric vehicles, 12 of which are pure electric vehicles. In addition, both Rolls Royce and BMW M under the BMW Group will launch electric models, and the first pure electric SUV, the X3, will be launched in 2020.

It is reported that BMW Group will also launch a four door pure electric Concept car positioned between BMW i3 and BMW i8 at this year's Frankfurt Auto Show. It is expected that by the end of 2017, BMW Group's electric vehicle sales will exceed 200000 units.

Industrial Bank comprehensively promotes services in the field of new energy vehicles

Recently, Industrial Bank, which advocates green finance, signed a memorandum of cooperation with CATL New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a leading supplier of new energy vehicle power batteries. On the basis of providing a credit line of 10 billion yuan last year, it plans to provide 30 billion yuan of financing for Times New Energy Co., Ltd. through bank rent linkage and other products, including payment and settlement, cash management, investment banks, IPO financial consultants Comprehensive financial service solutions including derivative trading. As of the end of May 2017, the balance of financing for the new energy vehicle industry of Industrial Bank totaled 16.057 billion, supporting customers to cover the leading and core enterprises in the upstream and downstream industries of new energy vehicles such as BYD, BAIC BJEV, Yutong, CATL New Energy, Guoxuan High tech Power Energy.